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  • 德国专家:中国共产党的成就史无前例丨风华102载·世界观

    海外网 发表于:2023-07-04 赞一个(0) 收藏     分享到朋友圈     0 1586

    在中国共产党成立102周年之际,德国黑森州欧洲及国际事务司前司长博喜文(Michael Borchmann)近日接受中新网专访时表示,历经百余年发展,中国共产党已具备庞大、深厚的群众基础,其自改革开放以来取得的成就,更是史无前例。 (陈天浩)

    Michael Borchmann, former head of the European and International Affairs Department of the federal German state of Hesse, noted that after developing for more than a century, the number of the member of CPC is huge, meaning a big participation of people in China. He added that since the reform and opening-up, CPC has made an enormous success.

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