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  • From Flooring to Landscaping – 6 Super Ways to Increase Your Home's Value

    psbrdipp 发表于:2009-07-31 赞一个(0) 收藏     分享到朋友圈     0 17549

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    发帖 2奋豆 3粉丝 0楼主

    发表于:2009-07-31IP属地:中国 福州市

    If you think that you may someday want to sell your home, or if you're in the process already, then there are some things you can do that can increase the value, and thus the selling price, of your home. Here are six easy ways to help you achieve that aim:

    - Do Some Upgrading in the Kitche

    The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. If your counters are old or worn, consider replacing them with covering designed to stand up under wear and use while still looking beautiful. Cabinets are also a big factor. If your cabinets aren't their best, then have them redone. Bad cabinets can decrease your home's value, while great ones can provide an increase.

    - Fix the Floor

    Flooring is an enormous consideration when it comes to the value of your home. If your floors are cracked or worn, replace them. One easy way to update the floors in your home is with laminate flooring. Manufacturers like Alloc and Pergo produce laminate floors in a wide variety of choices, which look like authentic wood, slate and stone. No matter what your personal style or decor, you can find laminate flooring to suit your needs.

    Laminate is ideal for a busy homeowner because it's easy and fast to install with no messy glue. The floors can be walked on directly following installation, so there's no waiting time. This is definitely a plus for today's busy person! There are laminate floors for budget buyers, and laminate floors for people who want premium luxury.

    - Make Your Landscape Lovely

    Your landscape can make or break a sale, as well as add or subtract from your home's value. The landscape is the first thing prospective buyers see when they come to your home, therefore you need to make sure that their view is as pleasant as possible.

    There's no need to go overboard with your gardening, simply keep in line with the rest of your neighborhood. The right landscaping can add thousands to the selling value of your home. You may want to hire a professional to come in and make the exterior of your property look its best.

    - Showcase Lots of Storage

    Many people today look for homes with lots of storage. A garage, an abundance of closets, and a basement are all things that can up your home's selling price. People these days have a lot of stuff, and need suitable places to store it. Attractive storage is a great selling point when it comes to enticing buyers.

    - Beautify the Bed and Bath

    Bedrooms and bathrooms are two very important rooms when it comes to selling your home. For bedrooms, people are looking for spacious rooms with amenities like walk-in closets and bathrooms that are attached to the master bedroom. For bathrooms, you'll want to offer buyers the best of modern luxury. Spacious bathrooms are quite popular, as are whirlpool tubs and spas. Multiple showers with modern features are also in demand with today's home buyers.

    - Quality Windows Are a Must

    Another factor that comes into play when valuing your home is your windows. Your windows can have a large bearing on the energy efficiency of your home, and with heating costs rising these days, people want windows that help keep the heat in and the cold out. Or, in the summer, keep the cool air in and the hot air out. Insulation is key when it comes to windows. Windows need to be safe and secure, and you should make sure your windows have strong, sturdy locks.

    These six things can be used to up your home's resale value. There are various other ways you can increase the value of your home and with some effort you're sure to find more ideas for ways you can make your home sell for the amount you want. Just remember that the right upgrades can add thousands of dollars, the wrong ones can subtract them. Therefore, do your homework before starting any projects or renovations, to make sure you're doing what's best for your home.



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