• 今日汇率:1欧元= 7.766098元人民币

  • 供应链专员(兼职)

    Echo.Liang 发表于:2021-05-11 IP属地:意大利 罗马市 117330    一键分享到朋友圈



    信息分类: 文秘助理 工作性质: 兼职
    工作地点: 未设置 薪资水平: 薪资面议/月
    招聘人数: 1人 学历要求: 本科
    工作年限: 不限 联系人: Jenny  联系我时请说是在奋大看到的。
    有效天数: 已过期 1103 天 联系电话: 000******0 [查看完整号码]


    温馨提示: 此广告发布IP属地为意大利,真实性较高![骗术曝光]

    SODI ELECTRONICS SRLS【招聘】供应链专员(兼职)【岗位职责】1、优化采购计划与流程;2、控制采购与运输成本、质量与时间;3、管理仓储与配送;4、完成领导交办的其他工作。【任职要求】1、中文及意大利语流利;2、本科以上学历;3、有良好的语言、文字表达能力和沟通协调能力;4、有基本的计算机与办公软件应用能力;5、欢迎应届毕业生/在校实习生加入;6、有意大利驾照者为优选。【薪资待遇】1、按意大利最低时薪~20欧/小时之间,表现突出者可酌情奖励;2、工作时间:工作时间灵活,每周不超过20小时。工作地点:米兰简历请发送至:[email protected] ELECTRONICS SRLSJob Purpose: Supply Chain Specialist (Part-time)Role Responsibilities:1. Optimise procurement planning and process. 2. Control targeted costs, quality and time for procurements and transactions. 3. Manage warehouse and transportations.4. Other duties as assigned.Minimum Qualification:Fluent spoken and written Chinese and Italian. Preferred Qualifications:1. Bachelor's degree in related field or equivalent experience. 2. Good ability in communications and collaborations.3. Basic knowledge of computer and office pack. 4. New graduates or interns are welcome to join us. 5. Italian driving license is a plus.Our Offer:1. Between Italy's basic salary to €20 per hour. Outstanding performance can be rewarded as appropriate2. Working hours: flexible working hours, no more than 20 hours per week.Work Zone: MilanCandidates please send your CV to: [email protected]



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