• 今日汇率:1欧元= 7.786706元人民币

  • 调试工程师

    Zetaconsulting 发表于:2022-10-27 IP属地:意大利 米兰 218930    一键分享到朋友圈



    信息分类: 其它职位 工作性质: 全职
    工作地点: 博洛尼亚 Bologna 薪资水平: 3000-4000€/月
    招聘人数: 3人 学历要求: 本科
    工作年限: 3-5年 联系人: Vittoria  联系我时请说是在奋大看到的。
    有效天数: 已过期 532 天 联系电话: +86******55727 [查看完整号码]


    温馨提示: 此广告发布IP属地为意大利,真实性较高![骗术曝光]
    Automation Service Engineer: Should be responsible for Installation, commissioning and Documentation of pharma machines at new project, Troubleshooting Software issues , Development of new program and modification in existing program Electrical Service Engineer : "1. Be responsible for the installation, debugging, acceptance, verification and delivery of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment on the customer's site; 2. Responsible for the maintenance of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment within and outside the warranty period; 3.Assist in dealing with spare parts sales tasks in the area 4. Be responsible for assisting in the establishment and filing of system documents of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment in the region 5.Be responsible for completing other tasks assigned by leaders." Mechanical Serviece Engineer: "1. Be responsible for the installation, debugging, acceptance, verification and delivery of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment on the customer's site; 2. Responsible for the maintenance of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment within and outside the warranty period; 3. Assist in dealing with spare parts sales tasks in the area 4. Be responsible for assisting in the establishment and filing of system documents of pharmaceutical machinery and equipment in the region. 5. Be responsible for completing other tasks assigned by leaders."


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