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  • 人事经理

    tangwei10 发表于:2019-12-11 IP属地:中国 北京 64820    一键分享到朋友圈



    信息分类: 其它职位 工作性质: 全职
    工作地点: 米兰 Milano 薪资水平: 薪资面议/月
    招聘人数: 1人 学历要求: 本科
    工作年限: 8-10年 联系人: HR Yiko  联系我时请说是在奋大看到的。
    有效天数: 已过期 1616 天 联系电话: 188******48 [查看完整号码]


    温馨提示: 此广告发布IP属地并非意大利,请谨慎交易![骗术曝光]
    公司:某500强制造公司 岗位职责: Strategic business partner to Manager, to ensure the effective use of business resources, acting as advisor/consultant, proposing /delivering sound solutions to support business growth and to meet business needs. 任职资格 8 years working experience in HR function. - Good business insight, communication & influencing skills. - With experience of HR generalist, staffing, employee relationship. - Bachelor degree - Strong communication skills in Italy and Chinese or English - Strong Communication skills - Able to influence and motivate various stakeholders - Able to build constructive working relationships with people from different countries and cultures - Exhibit entrepreneurship spirit and motivation to deliver results 有兴趣请联系:HR Yiko [email protected]


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