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  • 羽毛球俱乐部_Badminton Firenze storm

    Genming Du 发表于:2019-12-28 IP属地:意大利 Scandicci 118691    一键分享到朋友圈



    房屋来源: 个人 交易价格: 41欧元/月[押一付一]
    房屋类型: 住宅 房型: 1室1厅1厨1卫
    所在市镇: 佛罗伦萨 Firenze 详细地址: Via dell' Uccellatoio, 438B, Pratolino, Firenze
    联系人: Flavio


    联系电话: +39******85073 [查看完整号码]


    所在楼层: 未填写 房屋面积: 未填写
    装修程度: 未填写
    有效天数: 已过期 1578 天 联系微信: 15******140 [查看完整微信号]


    温馨提示: 此广告发布IP属地为意大利,真实性较高![骗术曝光]
    ___安利一下托斯卡纳唯一的羽球Gym, 有四片场地,大部分人水平都一般,俱乐部成员一半意大利人一半外国人,人都很nice,所以既可以练意大利语又可以练英语,很适合初学者或想找地方锻炼的小伙伴。 ___有球友组织统一接送,或圣马可上车公交25路终点站。每周两次, 大概5欧/次。Whatup联系管理员首次体验免费,提供球拍。 ___有淋浴间,打完球洗个澡回家可以直接睡觉。 补充一下:加入俱乐部需要提供一份《健康体检证明》,和报名健身房那种一样。 BADMINTON CLUB_“Badminton Firenze storm” _ __Tuscany's only badminton gym with four courts: Most people are average level. The members of the club are half Italian and half foreigners. They are all very nice, so you can practice both Italian and English. It is really suitable for beginners or friends who want to find a place to exercise. _ __Fee:Twice a week, about 5 Euros / time. There is a big shower room. _ __Site:Via dell' Uccellatoio, 438B, Pratolino, Firenze. You can get access to the free ride of members' cars, or get on the bus No. 25 in San Marco. _ __Contact:+39 3358285073. WHATSAPP contact the administrator for the first time free of charge, with rackets available. To add: Sunday the 29th 10: 00-13: 00 is the last event of the quarter, the next quarter will start on January 2 and run until the end of March. To join the club you need to provide a "Health certificate", the same as the requirement of the normal gym registration.


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