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  • 献给在意大利想去美国旅游和学习的各位战友---在意申美visa 全攻略

    囧囧の幸福 发表于:2011-08-25 赞一个(0) 收藏     分享到朋友圈     5 40732

    囧囧の幸福 加关注发私信

    发帖 971奋豆 1125粉丝 74楼主

    发表于:2011-08-25IP属地:意大利 Guidonia


    1. 进入https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/, 大概扫一眼。点击 start application。

    2. 进入start application 首先要选择使馆地点, 因为每个使馆要求不一样。 我选的是Milan, Italy, 然后会让你test 下上传的照片,我用的是中国的证件照,完美符合。接着有3个选项: start a new application, upload a previous application ( 申请过程中可以选择把未完成的申请保存在电脑上,方便以后upload), retrived an incomplete application ( 填写完每一步都可以选择保存,这样下次可以用申请号直接进入未完成的部分。我用的是这个,因为一次填写完实在比较累)

    3. 填表: 分别填写每一个section

    4. 填写完了所有信息,确认submit 后,会出现一个confirmation page 这个必须打印出来,onsite 时候要用。而且条形码必须清楚(貌似用来刷的)。没有直接打印的同学也不要着急,它会自动把comfirmation page 发送到你邮箱, pdf 格式。 


    Either Outside or Inside Italy:  +39 (02) 3032-9656 (a credit card charge of Euro15 will apply – MasterCard and Visa only) 
    Inside Italy Only: 899-34-34-32 (landline cost = Euro1.5 per minute, plus VAT; cell phone charge may be higher).

    这个电话最好是用Skype 或者voipraider打,如果用手机通话费巨贵无比。我用的voipraider,0元酷

    接线员很nice 也很patient, 他先会问你要visa的卡号,security number 因为要charge 15欧的服务费。然后他会核对信息,帮你预约某一天签证。这个取决于近期申请人数。貌似罗马的比较闲,当时我电话的第二天就可以,米兰却要等到下个星期。感谢borsellino的破网,由于the phone line sucks so much 他又给我发了一封邮件告诉我详细的材料准备。(我觉得大家最好也和他要一份,因为我有朋友没有这封邮件,所以所有材料都是靠电话预约时候记下来的



    List of Documents

    Special Procedures

    Please be advised that several Special Procedures may apply. Please review them carefully below:

    • Visa Waiver Program:

      Please click here to verify if you are eligible to travel under the Visa Waiver Program.

    • Personal Appearance Waiver

      Some applicant's under the age of 14 or 80 years-of-age or older are not required to schedule an appointment to be interviewed in person. For more detailed information please click on Personal Appearance Waiver (PAW).

    B1/B2 Business or Pleasure Visitor Visas are issued for temporary travel for business, pleasure or medical treatment. Business refers to meetings with business associates; educational, professional or business conventions, seminars, conferences, or a domestic worker accompanying an employer on temporary travel. Pleasure refers to recreation, tourism, amusement, visits with friends or relatives, vacation, or medical treatment. If you plan to travel to the United States for a different purpose, you must apply for a different visa in the appropriate category.

    Please click here to verify if you are eligible to travel under the Visa Waiver Program.

    You are not permitted to work during your stay in the U.S. on a Visitor Visa, whether you are being paid or not. You are also not allowed to attend school or a university, English language courses, or work as an Au Pair.

    Exception: If enrolled in a short English course (less than 18 hours per week), you may be eligible to apply for a Visitor Visa or if qualified travel under the Visa Waiver Program. You should consult with the school to find out if the program requires a student visa. However, if the course of study is more than 18 hours a week, a Student Visa is required.

    General information:

    1. A visa is not a guarantee of entry into the U.S. An officer of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at the port of entry determines whether or not you may enter and your authorized duration of stay.
    2. The validity of your visa has nothing to do with the authorized duration of stay. The visa’s validity simply tells you during what time-period you may apply for entry into the U.S. The DHS officer at the port of entry determines whether or not you may enter and your authorized duration of stay.
    3. On board, the airline or cruising company will provide you with a short white form, I-94, concerning your visit. You will be required to complete and sign this form. The DHS port-of-entry Officer will staple Form I-94 into your passport and will enter the authorized duration of stay.
    4. If you intend to stay longer, you must apply for an Extension of Stay with DHS. Application for an extension is not a guarantee that your authorized duration of stay will be extended.

    More information for Domestic Employees

    Personal or domestic employees who are accompanying or following a foreign employer to the U.S. are eligible for a Business Visa (B-1) provided:

    • The employer will be the only provider of employment and will provide domestic employee free room and board and round trip ticket as presented in the contract agreement, and
    • One of the following must apply:
      • The domestic-employee has been employed abroad by the employer one year prior to entry to the U.S.

        - OR -

      • Employer has a history of having employed domestic employees and the employee can demonstrate at least one year experience as a domestic employee.

    Required Documents for Domestic Employees:

    A copy of the employment contract signed and dated by both employee and employer. The contract should include details about the employee's salary, hours, and promise that employee will not work for anybody else. The contract agreement should comply with U.S. law.

    General Application Documents

    This e-mail will help you prepare for your visa interview. Careful attention to this information will avoid delays or rescheduling due to incorrect or incomplete documentation.

    Please go through the detailed list of documentation you will need to submit on the day of your interview:

    Important Note: Each applicant (regardless of age) is required to submit the listed documents below. Applicants applying for a specific trip purpose (e.g. student, temporary worker) must bring the additional document required for the visa type.

    • valid passport with one empty page to stamp the visa. It is recommended that the passport have at least 6 months of validity remaining (not required to have 6 months validity for Italians and some other nationalities).
    • Previous passports if you have any.
    • Visa Application Forms:

      • All applicants, regardless of age, must complete the electronic Form DS-160 prior to the visa interview. Form DS-160 is accessible at https://ceac.state.gov/genniv. Upon completion of the DS-160 Form, you must print the confirmation page that includes the bar code to bring to the visa interview. Please note: even if you successfully upload a photograph you must still bring a photograph with you to your appointment.
    • One recent photograph taken within the last six months.
    • Two original receipts from the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro for the non-refundable visa application fee must be submitted for each application. Please note: If the bank issued only one receipt, please bring a photocopy to the interview.

      The visa application fee is determined by the type of visa you are applying for. You have indicated that you are applying for a non-Petition Based Visa. The fee is U.S. $140, payable in Euro. The exchange rate is fixed by the US Embassy and the current fee in Euro is Euro105.

      Presented in Italian for the Bank's Reference: La tassa non rimborsabile per la richiesta di visto é determinata dal tipo di visto per il quale Lei sta facendo la richiesta. Lei ha indicato che Lei sta facendo la richiesta per un visto senza petizione. La tassa è di U.S. $ 140, pagabile in Euro. Il tasso di cambio è stabilito dall'Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti e la tassa attualmente è pari a 105 Euro.

      If it is determined that you need a different type of visa, the fee may change. Over payments cannot be refunded. If you have underpaid the fee, the difference may be paid at the time of your interview.

      Checks or cash will not be accepted at the Consular Section, with the exception of paying the difference in the visa fee in Euro if you have underpaid. This is a regulation of the American government and is noted on the application forms and information sheets.

      Exemption: applicants applying for A, C-3 (transit in official Mission), G, NATO or J-1 Scholars (whose program number starts with G-1, G-2, G-3 or G-7) visas do not have to pay the visa application fee.

    • Documentation that demonstrate strong ties to the country of residence and sufficient means to finance the planned travel. Although they are not required, the following documents may prove useful in substantiating such ties and means:
      • property ownership documents
      • apartment lease
      • employment letter
      • salary pay statements (busta page)
      • current bank account balance (estratto conto)/li>
      • tax payment documents (CUD, INPS)
      • recent bank statements
    • Third country nationals, who reside in Italy, should also submit
      • Their original permesso di soggiorno (staying permit) when applying for a visa. If applicant is not a citizen or resident of Italy, it is strongly recommended that he apply in his home country.
      • Certificato di residenza (proof of residency)
      • Stato di famiglia (official paper on status of family)
      • Certificato frequenza della scuola (certificate of local school attendance)
    • Minor applicants: birth certificate of the minor, proving/documenting the relationship

    If you present fraudulent documents and make false or misleading statements, your application will not be processed and you may become permanently ineligible for any type of U.S. visa.

    Only the applicant who is applying for a non-immigrant visa should come to the Consulate for the interview. Translators, lawyers, and American citizens are not allowed to accompany an applicant. This regulation is enforced for both security and space considerations.

    • Applicants age 80 and older do not need to come to the interview when applying for a visa. Please note: the appointment should be scheduled in the applicant's name, but may be attended by a family member.
    • Children age 14 and older are required to appear in person when applying for a visa.
    • Children under 14 do not need to come to the interview when applying for a visa. Please note: the appointment should be scheduled in the child's name, but may be attended by the child's parent. It is not required that both parents appear for the interview, however, a Consular Officer may request that both parents appear should they need additional information.
    • While applicants are encouraged not to bring small children with them for their own comfort, children are permitted if the parents do not have an alternative option.

    We recommend that you do not make your travel arrangements until you receive your visa.

    Service Survey: Please participate by using the link below. Your answers will allow us to evaluate our service. The survey will only take you a few minutes.


    有些材料我们不能准备,例如工资条,cud交税通知。所以我们要尽量开除我们有的所有材料。中国的中介说只要告诉使馆你一定会回意大利(tight relationship), 合法的身份,有足够的资金,详细的旅游计划(机票,酒店订单)。以下是我准备的一些重要材料:

    1.certificate of attendance to Politecnico di Torino.

    2.certificate of Edisu scholarship

    3.proof of residence (自从我第一个向borsellino要了证明后,boss 兴奋的说:从此模板诞生了= =)

    4. invitation letter from Northwestern University(这个因人而异了)

    5.bank statement (近3个月的银行交易单就行)




    最考验人品的时刻。我很悲剧,问的很详细包括我在意大利的学习,去那儿可能研究的项目。她还问了我intelligent robot 特点,rehabilitative robot 工作原理,反正我事先真的没想到会这样,问的都和大学面试一样了= =。。

    如果好事成了,within 2 days 你就可以去取护照了。 可以让mailbox 寄给你, 也可以去使馆旁边的mailbox 去拿,虽然都要钱囧不过还是去拿便宜的多4.45



    好了,现在说下我的情况吧: 最近实在真的衰,虽然没有直接被拒,不过也差不多了。。护照都给我了。。说是要送到更上层去审核生病,然后至少a coupe of weeks 是得不到结果了。。。估计我onsite实在精彩,各种表达酷 完了后所有在场的等签证的都认识我了。。。还有人想雇佣我= =我%¥##&**。。。另外还有个中国女的也是想旅游的,是中国公司赞助所有她去帮忙到美国翻译,签证官直接说: not a tight relationship with Italy you'd better apply in China 然后护照还给她了囧囧囧

    所以强烈建议大家能回国签最好回国,我们third country 的很受鄙视的。。。如果有问题欢迎给我校内留言。

    最后希望各种其他拒(包括最想要的实习生病生病)能够多给我攒人品迎接offer rain !!!!阿门!!




    更新下最新结果: 过了~~~把护照送到米兰使馆附近的mailbox(寄送也可以不过非常贵),3天之内就可以去取了。当然,不过送还是取都是要交钱的。。。。最后剩下的就是期望offer了~~要给力啊!!!!


    • 囧囧の幸福  楼主  加关注发私信

      发帖 971奋豆 1125 粉丝 740楼


      美国驻意使馆网站http://www.usembassy.it/visa/vis/default-en.asp (GENERAL INFORMATION)





      1.       填写网上申请表https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/

      在上面给出的链接中填写DS-156网上申请表。FOLLOW每一步提示,全部信息填完以后会有一张CONFIRMATION PAGE,可以选择发送到自己的邮箱,面试的时候需要出示,到时候自己打印出来。

      注意事项:1). 网申之前要准备登记照的电子档一份,因为网申的时候要求上传登记照。登记照的尺寸有如下要求。



                2). 打印时CONFIRMATION NUMBER也就是所谓的条形码要清晰。


      2.       给米兰使馆打电话预约面签时间


      Either Outside or Inside Italy: +39 (02) 3032-9656 (a credit card charge of Euro15 will apply – MasterCard and Visa only)
      Inside Italy Only: 899-34-34-32 (landline cost = Euro1.5 per minute, plus VAT; cell phone charge may be higher).

      我是用SKYPE打的电话,所以没有收通话费,只有在接通的时候告诉接线员你的VISA或者MASTERCARD的卡号和SECURITY NUMBER,付了十五欧的服务费费。也有同学是用普通电话打的,除了十五欧还要收通话费,听说有人被CHARGE了五十多欧。如果用手机打可能就更贵了。





      比如说我姓ZHANG, 在电话里要跟他说 Z for ZULU, H for HOTEL, A for ALPHA, N for NOVEMBER, G for GOLF.



      A .......... ALPHA
      B .......... BRAVO
      C .......... CHARLIE
      D .......... DELTA
      E .......... ECHO
      F .......... FOXTROT
      G .......... GOLF
      H .......... HOTEL
      I .......... INDIA
      J .......... JULIET
      K .......... KILO
      L .......... LIMA
      M .......... MIKE
      N .......... NOVEMBER
      O .......... OSCAR
      P .......... PAPA
      Q .......... QUEBEC
      R .......... ROMEO
      S .......... SIERRA
      T .......... TANGO
      U .......... UNIFORM
      V .......... VICTOR
      W .......... WHISKY
      X .......... X-RAY
      Y .......... YANKEE
      Z .......... ZULU


      3.       准备材料。(以下是我记得的比较重要的材料,具体的请在打电话预约的时候听清楚对方的要求)

      1)         CONFIRMATION FORM

      2)         要求格式的PHOTO 两张

      3)         BNL交申请费115欧,要求带交钱的RECEIPT原件和一张复印件。

      4)         所在学校的在读证明(ANYTHING证明你在意大利的合法身份,以及你一定会回意大利,不会有不良意图)

      5)         资金证明:银行最近三个月的进出款账单,有奖学金的同学可以出示自己的奖学金证明,有实习的可以出示工资单。

      6)         飞机票的订单。我是随便找了家订飞机票的旅社,让他们随便发了张差不多时间的订单。


      4.       面签


      1)         去美国干什么的

      2)         去哪儿

      3)         去多久

      4)         有亲戚在美国么

      5)         你在意大利是干什么的,有亲戚在意大利么

      6)         你去美国的钱谁出

      ……… 具体的大家还是GOOGLE吧,都大同小异。

      5.       如果面签ACCEPT,基本上第二天就可以拿到PASSPORT了。可以选择在米兰当地领取,或者让他邮寄回都灵。具体DELIVERY的方法在面试之前会有专人告诉,不明白的到时候可以咨询对方。

    • bravo  加关注发私信

      发帖 1371奋豆 1463 粉丝 301楼



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