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  • 意大利语现在时与时间表达

    国中大将 发表于:2008-06-17 赞一个(0) 收藏     分享到朋友圈     1 17451

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    发帖 20041奋豆 24309粉丝 381楼主

    发表于:2008-06-17IP属地: 中国 南京

    Italian uses present tense + da + time expressions to indicate an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present. English, by contrast, uses the present perfect tense (I have spoken, I have been working) + for + time expressions.

      verb in the present tense + da + length of time

      Scio da un anno. (I've been skiing for a year.)

      Prendi lezioni di karatè da molti mesi. (You've been taking karate lessons for many months.)

      To ask how long something has been going on, use da quanto tempo + verb in the present.

      Da quanto tempo leggi questa rivista? —Leggo questa rivista da molto tempo.

      (How long have you been reading this magazine? —I've been reading this magazine for a long time.)



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